The Sermon on the Mount – Judge Not?
This week’s passage: Matthew 7:1-6 Doesn’t the Bible Say We Should Not Judge Others? Just like the generations before us, we can see things happening which were once seen as immoral in our society that are quickly becoming acceptable. Parents are losing the right to choose how their children are raised, sexual promiscuity, including child pornography, are being extoled as “rights” and there is a push for laws to be removed or softened. Christians and other religious groups are beginning to speak up (as they should), spurring those pushing the agenda to proclaim that there is supposed to be a “separation of church and state” or accusing Christians of going against the Bible by “judging” them or their behavior as wrong. Without going too far down that rabbit hole (separation of church and state was intended to keep the government out of the churches, not the churches out of the government) let’s focus on what Jesus really meant when He said, “Jud...